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Summer Solstice 09
Online Streaming Concert
Saturday, June 20th

Why not take the longest day of the year and have a 15 hour music festival. Join in the chatroom and Tune into the radio and help celebrate the tilt of the Earth's axis at it's most inclined position toward the Sun!
24 Performers from 7 Countries

Connect to the stream here, and join in the chat room!


15:00 Plastixman (Chatroom-Controlled Midi G2 Noodle)
15:30 Acoustic Interloper
16:00 Yakuza Cowboys
16:30 Astronota
17:00 Inventor
17:30 Ambiencellist
18:00 Muied Lumens
18:30 EdisonRex
19:00 Mystahr
19:30 Mystahr
20:00 Antimon
20:30 The Amber Portal
21:00 Palancar
21:30 Palancar
22:00 Shane Morris
22:30 Mono-poly
23:00 Modulator ESP
23:30 Blue Hell
00:00 Mark Mahoney
00:30 Michael Peck
01:00 Richard Lainhart
01:30 Richard Lainhart
02:00 OCP
02:30 Metlay!
03:00 State Machine
03:30 Kevin Kissinger
04:00 Emerald Adrift
04:30 Emerald Adrift
05:00 Howard Moscovitz

Please note: "Preferred Start Time". We will do the best that we can to accommodate people to their requested times. However, please be flexible because this event will have European and American musicians in many different time zones. Time slots will be on a semi-"first come-first served" basis. Furthermore, please post your time in GMT. The handy clock should make it simple. However, we do use military/24 hour time. It will undoubtedly be an international event and GMT is the only way to coordinate such events.

As in the past, the CHATROOM will serve as an invaluable communication tool for set up, streaming, and connecting to those listening....and it's just a lot of fun! I suggest participants get familiar with it in advance, if you aren't already.

If you want a recording of your set, it would be prudent to record your own set, rather than depend on others. Accidents and mistakes happen...especially in this format. There are many ways to record your set. Edcast has a built in recording system. You can also record your stream from your mixer on the signal path to the computer.

It is IMPERATIVE that everyone test their connections before we start streaming. At least 24 hours before or sooner. Sorry, but musicians WILL NOT be allowed to stream on Saturday if you do not test 24 hours before hand. Not only does it delay the schedule, but causes unneeded stress on performer, server operator, and audience during performance time. Wink

It would be best if everyone could stream at 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz , stereo if possible.

Mosc: TO DO THE STREAMING, all you need is a PC with Oddcast (now called Edcast), a free program. If you have a MAC, you can use the Nicecast program (free demo works for a month the last time we tried it) to stream. If you are are interested in participating, we'll set up a test server just for you to experiment on to make sure you can get it to work.

PC users can download Edcast here. The stand-alone version is recommended. http://www.oddsock.org/tools/edcast/

Oddcast (Edcast) instructions posted: http://electro-music.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13780

Mac OSX users are encouraged to use NiceCast which we have tested.

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A live updated version of this schedule with times translated into your local time can be found here

and the playlists, a live view is available here

Connect to the stream here and Join us in the chat room!

Recordings of previous stream sessions can be found here
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