Subject: [NM] Walking The Message Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 19:45:44 -0800 From: "Friday's Child" Reply-To: To: Hi Life is different when you don't have telephones and you don't have TV. Sometimes an important message must be carried forwards. So the messengers and drummers go forth to spread the word. They walk along and the drummers play their drums as they go from one accepted meeting point to another. An important junction; a street corner; a market gate or whatever. As they walk the drummers play. They announce they have a message. The rhythms and the instruments vary according to occasion. Everyone can hear the group coming from far away. Everybody will know where they are going. The drummers and messengers go in slow procession to the appointed spot. All the time the drummers play their rhythm saying to all that they are announcing messengers who have something important to say. When they get to a suitable spot the drummers play a little while longer until enough people have come. The nature of the message is usually clear from the rhythm, the instruments, and the way they play. Also, a few people who were at the previous location may well have accompanied them and so they have heard it already. Sometimes such people like to feel important and so chatter to anyone who will listen while they all wait. Nevertheless the drummers have a job to do. So also the messengers. Others ignore the chatterboxes and wait. Some may just stand sombrely. Some may dance. Some may start an impromptu song. It all depends. When the drummers think enough people have gathered, they stop. Then it is time for the messengers to speak and deliver the message. If a discussion is needed a short one will follow. Never too long because everybody knows the drums and message must move on to the next place. Job done, the drummers begin again with their playing. They and the messengers begin another walk to the next meeting spot. Once again, on the way more people will follow. Another little crowd is probably already gathering for the word is already spreading that they are coming ... and so the process is repeated. This little patch represents a group of drummers moving from one location to another and walking through their town or village, announcing that they a messenger is coming, and requesting that all should follow to where they go and come nearby to listen. With every good wish, K(ofi) B(usia) - [nord-modular]list [archives : ] [patches : ] [list info: ] ==^================================================================ This email was sent to: EASY UNSUBSCRIBE click here: Or send an email to: T O P I C A -- Register now to manage your mail! ==^================================================================ --------------------------------------------------------------------- WalkingMessage.pchName: WalkingMessage.pch Type: Plain Text (text/plain)