well, actually, variations of the same basic patch build (or "performances", in G2-speak ;o)... with the variations hopefully demonstrating the range of possibilities within the patch... probably the most "normal" thing I've done in a long time with the NM... a basic 4-op FM synth w/AD envelopes and some random-yet-predictable sequencing. a morph group assigned to the clippers can yield a more "acidy" tone when cranked up... the filters get into formant territory under certain conditions, although no vowel filter is used (another first for me ;o) ... I dunno, I guess I could sit here and describe the various functions, but I'm sure most of you will figure things out for yourselves ;o) so why the change from my usual "chaos"? mostly that I'm trying to write tracks away from the computer, with just the internal sequencers of the synths I'm using to run things... and I wanted something that sort of seemed like a melody... so I made something that can (hopefully) keep generating interesting (if repetetive) melodies ;o) enjoy, kevin p.s. - to the folks who had asked for CD-Rs: they are on the way...