Work-34 This work is composed of a large set of noodles to be played on two Nord Modular synthesizers. The noodle sequence is performed by the Noodler program which is controlled by work-34.nlr. Patch cahnges are always performed after the Nord Modular has been faded to silence. The second Nord Modular is presumed to fill this gap of silence. This way the complete work is played as if it were a slide show, one set of noodles is cross faded into another, and again, and again. The patches have to downloaded into the synths, for this the file bank1.pchlist can be used. As I won't publish the picture for the slide show, I made a pictureless version of the nlr file, work-34-no-pics.nlr. The (original) file work-34.nlr is included as a demonstration only, or you could add your own pictures (be sure to have at least 109 pictures then). The Nordler program can be found in the software section on the Blue Hell site :