[Header] Version=Nord Modular patch 3.0 0 127 0 127 2 0 0 1 908 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [/Header] [ModuleDump] 1 7 4 0 14 2 9 0 2 1 24 0 6 [/ModuleDump] [ModuleDump] 0 [/ModuleDump] [CurrentNoteDump] 64 0 0 64 0 0 [/CurrentNoteDump] [CableDump] 1 3 7 1 0 1 0 1 3 7 0 0 7 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 [/CableDump] [CableDump] 0 [/CableDump] [ParameterDump] 1 1 24 8 64 1 0 127 0 64 64 0 2 9 6 64 64 1 0 0 0 7 4 3 127 0 0 [/ParameterDump] [ParameterDump] 0 [/ParameterDump] [CustomDump] 1 2 1 0 [/CustomDump] [CustomDump] 0 [/CustomDump] [NameDump] 1 1 LFOA1 2 OscC2 7 2 outputs1 [/NameDump] [NameDump] 0 [/NameDump] [Notes] *From cjamison@harland.net . When I take the master output slave signal from a Clock Generator and patch it into the output of the nord I don't hear anything. (I know the slave signal is intended for driving an LFO but still... I just wanted to hear what it sounds like at differnt BPM values on the clock generator) Anyway... Why is this? I know the slave signals are at a slower bit rate (wasn't it 11Khz or something like that) but still I would have thought that I would hear some sort of noise being generated. I just noticed it this morning so I didn't have time to play around and test other modules but I am assuming none of the slave signals from any of the modules can be plugged into the audio path to produce sound... maybe it is just the clock generator though. Sorry if I am missing something that is obvious in the manual... I didn't exactly crack it open to solve this little riddle. . The slave signals are control signals in the sense that a constant value on a slave output tells a connected slave oscillator how fast it should oscillate. 127 would mean oscillate as fast as you can, and 0 would mean don't oscillate at all. As long as the oscillation rate of the master oscillator does not change its slave output value will be constant. So it's not audible because it's a constant signal usually. For the clock generator there's nothing to do about this because the frequency can't be modulated (except by changing the bpm knob), but for other oscillators it can be made audible - see the attached patch. Anyway, the 11 kHz sample rate (wasn't this supposed to be 16 kHz ?) has nothing to do with it Jan. [/Notes]