Hey everyone! I thought that in the middle of all this discussion, you'd appreciate some patches for a change! ;-) So, here's 5 of my most recent: BoardsPad1 - sounds like something from Boards Of Canada. Amazingly low DSP usage, so you can get 7 note polyphony out of a MicroModular! Knob 1 controls keyboard-ish to smooth pad, knob 2 controls harshness of sound, knob 3 controls LFO stuff to make it almost Vangelis like, and knob 4 controls amount of detune overall between different notes playing. I've deliberately detuned the whole sound a bit, so that it sounds out of tune (but in a nice way) like a lot of Boards Of Canada stuff. OldskoolStab2 - the second version of a patch which I haven't touched for a while due to some dodgy error in it (some problem with the morph assignment!?). Anyway, this version is totally fixed, and sounds a lot better than the original did anyway. It's like a chord stab from a rave tune. So, knob 1 does filter cutoff, knob 2 does resonance, knob 3 alters the tuning of the minor third so that you can make this into a lot of other chords - anything from a major third to a minor third, to a fourth, to a ninth (I think that's right anyway - just changes the chord it plays). Velocity also controls filter stuff and how out of tune the oscillators are with each other... fun patch! :-) Phoket - one of my oldest patches that I never did anything with. Now I've sorted it out to be a really rude jungle bass sound (a bit like some used by Photek a while back). If you set knobs 1-4 to zero, that's what I originally wanted it to sound like, but the settings I've saved it with give maximum rudeness. Just mess with knobs 1-4 and you'll get quite a palette of nasty jungle / drum n bass bass sounds out of it. C64 Maj-Min Arp: Sounds just like an arp from an old Commodore 64 computer game. Knob 1 controls major / minor (an anything inbetween), knob 2 controls pulse width speed change, knob 3 controls arp speed. Arps are controlled by a square wave LFO instead of a clock gen, as this allowed me to alter the speed of the arp. Nice little trick I think! Also, this patch uses the "Warmth Trick" to get rid of some of that Nord harshness and get a less-defined C64 SID chip sound. Enjoy! SuperStretch: Mad stretching effect (a bit like a flanger sometimes) which adds a kinda never-ending elastic sounding twang to sounds from the audio inputs. I saw Roni Size doing a set with Breakbeat Era once, and he had some effect like this - it appears several times on the Breakbeat Era album (used on the drums). Knobs 1-3 do interesting things - play with them! ;-) FYI: As usual, all my patches are configured to be controlled by my AN1x (knobs 1-8 on the AN1x making up for my lack of knobs on my Micro Modular) so if you have an AN1x as your controller, you are in luck! I've obviously set it up for people with full-blown Modulars as well, so knobs 1-8 tend to be the ones that "do stuff" with my patches if anything is going to. So, at this point, allow me to shamelessly plug my website (www.mu-sly.co.uk) which has a small collection of patches (these new ones will be up there next week, but you guys get them first), over 100Mb of breakbeats to download, and even some music I've written (gasp!). There's a few articles I've written which could kill off 10 minutes or so, and you never know, you might even like my music (it's kinda intelligent dance music, chillout, ruff jungle, dub reggae... allsorts! I'd recommend "Maybe It Grows" and "Think Nice Thoughts" as a starting point...) I hope you like my patches - any feedback is gratefully received! Cheers, ~Dave --