Change step sequencers with knob?

Troy Sheets wrote:


How would I place 2 or more step sequencers on a patch, and select which one I would want to use by rotating a knob? Or else by which key on the keyboard I press?

Mr. Marko wrore:

Here is a patch that emulates a Sequential Circuits "Pro One" synth. KNOB 3 changes the key trigger mode from: normal key trigger > LFO repeat > SeqA > SeqB it is the blue morph group, both 4 way switches are controlled by the same knob... see third column of modules.

David Lacey wrote:

Like this? (as usual, at work and unable to test) Morph (knob one) controls 4 way switch with range limited to 2 choices.

Troy Sheets wrote:

Thanks guys for the patches... As soon as I get home I will look at these and see how you converted knob values to logic signals...

Mr. Marko wrote:

Looking down thru my nord list patches I found this, not sure who patched it.

Kees van der Maarel wrote:

It was one of mine. I vaguely remembered that I patched it about half a year ago, as an answer to a similar question. Forgot to sign it, though.

Rob Hordijk wrote:

Took the liberty of some additions to the switching. C4 toggles between the two seq modules. The divider module takes care of the toggling action. The S&H is used as a syncronizing device to sync to delay the actual switching to the end of the sequence. Connecting the yellow input of the S&H would delay the switching action to the next note instead of the end of the sequence. Using an event sequencer you could delay the switching to every four notes or so...

Switching between more sequencer modules by a control signal is also possible but takes a little more modules, see the other patch where one sequencer chooses which one of four sequences of arbitrary length are played. Scary, I know, but a nice one to untangle during the weekend...

BTW for the more advanced patchers, Sample&Hold2 is the trick to get the timing of the switching circuit independent of the propagation delays of the logic modules.