Change step sequencers with knob?
Troy Sheets wrote:
How would I place 2 or more step sequencers on a patch, and select which one I would want to use by rotating a knob? Or else by which key on the keyboard I press?
Mr. Marko wrore:
Here is a patch that emulates a Sequential Circuits "Pro One" synth. KNOB 3 changes the key trigger mode from: normal key trigger > LFO repeat > SeqA > SeqB it is the blue morph group, both 4 way switches are controlled by the same knob... see third column of modules.
David Lacey wrote:
Like this? (as usual, at work and unable to test) Morph (knob one) controls 4 way switch with range limited to 2 choices.
Thanks guys for the patches... As soon as I get home I will look at these and see how you converted knob values to logic signals...
Mr. Marko wrote:
Looking down thru my nord list patches I found this, not sure who patched it.
Kees van der Maarel wrote:
It was one of mine. I vaguely remembered that I patched it about half a year ago, as an answer to a similar question. Forgot to sign it, though.
Rob Hordijk wrote:
Switching between more sequencer modules by a control signal is also possible but takes a little more modules, see the other patch where one sequencer chooses which one of four sequences of arbitrary length are played. Scary, I know, but a nice one to untangle during the weekend...
BTW for the more advanced patchers, Sample&Hold2 is the trick to get the timing of the switching circuit independent of the propagation delays of the logic modules.