FM Bass


Ulrich Reuter wrote:

A very simple very basic bass synth, which I found useful. But I only have small Genelec 1029 and NS10. Who has bigger speakers and can tell me if there is simply too much in the deepest lows?

 [.v/jek.] wrote:

Cool patch... I was patching around with some fm patches yesterday .. here is the fruit of my labor... not really a bass patch.. but I guess it can be... more of a weirdo K.Lex (K.Lex Patterson aka [.v/jeck.] - WB J design...

 David Walton wrote:

Good job with this patch, here is my addition to it. Use Knob18 to start/stop patch(the clock generator is in the lower left hand side of the patch..... on/off switch). Use knob 4 and 10 for FM changes.

Ulrich Reuter wrote: