Jimmy Myhrman wrote:
I've been thinking about one thing lately... How can hihats be constructed with the modular. And yes, I have been fooling around with the white noise, but I want those 909-like hihats. With the noise ran through some resonant hipass filters I only get those 808-like hihats (which are great too, but right now I need 909 hihats).
Ulrich Reuter wrote:
909 hihats were sampled, weren't they?
doug L wrote:
I'm thinking of actually buying "real" drums, -specifically cymbals. Anyone here play drums? -doug
a.Puls wrote:
Yes, they were sampled. I think you are going to have a tough time trying to synthesize a 909's hats.
Jelle wrote:
As others have said, the tr909's hihats (and ride, cymb and maybe some more) were samples. some 8bit samples run through a envelope. It is not really possible to remake them using just the nord's tools. 808, 606 that's what ou can get, but the nord has much more to offer than those 909 hats. Actually the open hat sucks (IMO) and the closed one is alright, but overused... Keep on making hihats on the Nord, you will get much nicer ones. If you don't want that, then just use samples.
Jimmy Myhrman wrote:
Well thank you all... I didn't know the hihats were samples in the tr909. And yeah, the modular can provide other great hihat sounds, but I'm not good at programming such sounds... So if anyone has some good hihats or cymbals in general, please post them (I'm only talking about patches here of course)
Andrew Byrd wrote:
I've had very good luck making hihats using FM techniques... two sine oscillators properly tuned with the output of one connected to the FM input of the other, then fed thru an envelope make some very unique and tweekable hihats.
doug L wrote:
Please post one or two, to this list. thanks! -doug
.[v/jek]. wrote:
Why? It seems simple enough... Just do what he said!! The idea is to experiement ... To translate andy's concept: make a weird (clangorious) noise that you like and gate it... My advice, use the ADSR env instead of the AD env..
Fred Beecher wrote:
... or the AHD, for that nice mechanical effect...
Mark Barton wrote:
I like FM for drums - take a listen to drum parts of these patches...
DrXex wrote:
I'm thinking of actually buying "real" drums, -specifically cymbals. Anyone here play drums?
Me and my band mate found an old wooden block thing in the basement and nailed a bunch of pots, pans, metal objects, and other things to it. Does that count as playing the drums?
doug L wrote:
Yes Dave, you get credit for that. -doug
Mark Barton wrote:
Well the drums on some Buddy Holly song was played on cardboard boxes so ...