Highest Oscillator Frequency


Edgar Hellwig wrote:

Does anyone know the highest possible frequency to generate with the NM? I guess it is limited with the DAC at the output. I was not able to find specs in the manual.

Anig Browl wrote:

The oscillators themselves only go up to 15KHz, but of course that is the fundamental - you could have harmonics much higher and isolate them with a HPF. The DACs run at 48KHz so the highest frequency you can possibly get from the output is 24KHz.

K.K.Trawinski wrote:

Eergh... The modular has 18bits/96kHz outputs... The INPUTS are 16/48... J

So theoretically you can go up to 48kHz. and also I think you can push the oscillators higher with a constant module attached to frequency input, but I haven't got the equipment to measure this sort of signal. Could someone test this?.

Rob Hordijk wrote:

You're right about the 96 kHz samplerate. But probably due to the aliasing algoritm the frequency don't seem to go higher than 24 kHz. Supersonic frequencies are simply generated by slave oscillators set to a higher ratio, e.g. 2:1 will make the slave in theory go to 30kHz when the master is set to 15kHz.

Sven Röhrig wrote:

My ocilloscope says that it goes with a sine slave easy above 40 K but with distortion and levelloss on the way up...pretty good. Its a pitty that these smd outputstages are all a bit flat sounding, especially the ones with SMD cappaciators. The technical data of the NM are supperb, it should sound better than any CD-player or DAT. One Day IŽll give my Nord a hardware mod with a discrete Class A Amp powerd with +/- 15 V based on germanium transistors and digital output switchabel before and after this stage (with its own ADC with inbuild samplerateconverted digi Input). I think I've seen a chip like this in a Chrystal catalog). Sounds like a february job to me....

It's understandable that a consumer product can't be equipped with such output stages, would be much to expensive in produktion... Just to match the transitors... and there are even people that resist in the opinion that such things don't make an difference, maybe the same that told for years that 44,1k 16 bit sounds better as an analog multitrack recorder because human beings only need sinetones above 10K and its just the distortion that makes analog sound better for freaks... Ha ha ha... Sorry just couldn't resist......