Music House Courses
The Nord Modular is the perfect synthesizer for teaching analog style sound synthesis. The flexible hardware and software allow for both basic and advanced courses.
Music House in Utrecht, The Netherlands, are experts in modular synthesizers and of course primary dealer for the Clavia products. To help the many Nord Modular users on their way, Music House asked professional trainer, long-time synthesis expert and Modular wizard Rob Hordijk to develop an extensive training course. This resulted in a program of twentyfour evening sessions of two and a half hours of training each session. This curriculum guarantees that every participant will soon become a real master on the Modular. An extensive training guide with 170 pages of theory, plus a patchbook with many practical and exiting patch examples are part of the course. No previous skills are needed to enter.
Working with the Modular is great fun and there is plenty of fun in the courses. Groups are deliberately kept small to have a Micro Modular and computer available for every participant. During the program participants can rent a Micro Modular, so the inspiration and many ideas presented in the sessions can be worked out at home.
For the regular courses program check out course curriculum with the textbook can be licensed by other training institutes, more info at
Next to the regular courses program Music House organizes professional-level specialized and custom trainings on demand, both in Utrecht and on location. These courses are primarily aimed at professional musicians/composers that have limited time, and at shop personnel. Custom trainings can be given in the Dutch, English, German or French language.
* Nord Modular courses at Music House are co-sponsored by Thunnissen and Verhaegen BV, the Benelux importer of Clavia products.
Some impressions of the courses
Each session starts with a demonstration and thorough explanation of a synthesis technique.
With the extensive textbook students can later recall the matter.
The Micro Modular in action as the perfect training tool.
Of course learning synthesis techniques requires some concentration...,
...and intense assitance during the practical hour...,
...along with some good advice on how to make things sound good.
And every participant is happily invited to give "teach" a hard time, he likes a challenge...