First Nord Modular Day in The Hague
On July 3 1999, 14 enthousiastic Nord Modular and Nord Micro users from Holland gathered in meeting at the Koorenhuis in The Hague. The meeting was arranged by Roland Kuit en Wout Blommers, two music teachers at the Koorenhuis. This is their review of the meeting:
During some month now there was a liveky email conversation on the Wizzoo's Nord Modular Mailing List. It appeared a lot of the mailers were sited in The Netherlands, so a meeting seemed natural. The question was: where and what? The first part was easy: teh Koorenhuis in The Hague, a communal creativity centre, where Roland Kuit and Wout Blommers were both workin. There were enough computers and three Modulars within reach (In fact, there were seven Modulars in total during that day) and nough room to invite twenty people or more. Then what should the program look like? Putting people in a room isn't the thing to do. There should be a program. There have to be time for crating Patches and exchange idea's. That was considered the middle part of the day...
The first part did contain two lectures, the first by Rob Hordijk about Sync in the Nord Modular and using Sync to create Vosim, a highly sophisticated way to generate sounds useful in Voice Simulation. A Nord Micro connected to a VGA beamer are the ingredients of a wonderful didactically set up to illustrate the sounddesign procedure: take what you need to tell the story and nothing else.
Rob's lecture, notice he had a different hairdresser...
The second lecture was held by Jan Punter about his creation of the MidiModular, a program special designed to the Nord Modular. It is a kind of modular LFO couples to the Midi CC, so modulated Morphes, Vocoder, Filterbanks and Sequencers, in fact every thing which has a assignable Knob, are possible, without the risk running out of DSP power.
Jan Punter demonstrates MidiModular
Jan Punter and Gert van Santen working with MidiMod
After the lectures Roland Kuit did a performance with three Modulars and bass flute
A special feature was the direct connection with Clavia in Sweden, so those who wanted to do so could ask Clavia by mail. Soon there will be a second Nord Modular Day in The Hague. A visit to the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, who owns a large collection of electronic musical instruments could be part of the programming.
Vocoder Fun
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