Sustain In Sequencer


Mountain Man wrote:

I'm trying to get some patch logic that will produce sustained notes in a sequence. I realized today that part of the reason why my sequences don't sound the same as when I play "live" is that when I'm playing a sequence "by hand", I typically hold a note down until the next is to play, and then release it. I want to simulate that. Simply triggering an envelop won't do it, since the release time on the envelop will be fixed, which is not what I'm looking for. This *could* be accomplished by modulating envelop times, but that seems very tricky and difficult - I'm looking for something that will be very easy to use.

Attached is my first attempt to implement this. Although the patch does what I want, I'm not happy with it. The logic delay time was selected by trial-and-error, and the choice is critical - any faster and the circuit doesn't perform as desired. If the clock rate is changed, the logic delay time has to be adjusted. Also, this introduces delay into the response, so all other parts of a patch that are to be synced must be delayed as well. The whole scheme seems inelegant. Can anyone suggest a better way of doing this?

Rob Hordijk wrote:

Is this what you want? Then the trick is to first invert the clock to the event seq module and afterwards invert the output from the event seq also. Now we have the sustain and we are still in the right timing with other seqs receiving the normal non-inverted clock.

Mountain Man wrote:

This is quite elegant, and clearly works very well. It will require a bit of care in getting things synced - since the postinverter output is one clock tick behind the original clock, but you've shown in the example, that that need not be a big problem. Thanks very much