Tuning the Bore
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We’ll tune this model using
the same technique we used for the blown pipe:
we’ll build a piecewise-linear tuning table using SeqCtr modules. This will let us manually tune every fourth note
(every C, E, and G#), and let the G2 fill in the rest of the notes.
The patch is below. We’ll choose our 5-octave range to be between
C2 and C7, since that should cover most woodwind instruments.
As in the blown pipe, we’ll
use a pair of SeqCtr modules as coarse- and fine-tuning controls. We’ll also add a third SeqCtr that lets us
change the bell frequency. This may come
in handy, since the loop filters don’t track the keyboard, and the sound gets
pretty bright when playing low notes.
The tuning procedure
Like most models of this
type, we’ll tune from the bottom of the keyboard (C2) to the top (C7).
The tuning procedure is as
- Play C2 on the keyboard. Adjust the BP selector on the Level
Scaler until the pitch is close to C2.
If desired, adjust slider #1 on the Bell Freq SeqCtr until the
desired timbre is reached. If the
pitch has changed, re-adjust the BP selector on the Level Scaler as
necessary until the pitch is close to C2 again. Then tune C2 precisely by adjusting
slider #1 on the CoarseTune and FineTune SeqCtrs.
- Play E2 on the keyboard. If desired, adjust slider #2 on the Bell
Freq SeqCtr until the desired timbre is reached. Then tune E2 precisely by adjusting
slider #2 on the CoarseTune and FineTune SeqCtrs.
- Play G#2 on the keyboard. If desired, adjust slider #3 on the Bell
Freq SeqCtr until the desired timbre is reached. Then tune G#3 precisely by adjusting
slider #2 on the CoarseTune and FineTune SeqCtrs.
- Repeat for each of the remaining sliders, moving
up four notes for each slider.
You’ll tune each C, E, and G#.
Slider #16 will end up on C7.