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Radio: Scheduled Shows

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How to start a scheduled radio show.

Scheduled shows must be added to the schedule administration by a stream operator. Before a schedule item can be made a stream operator will need some details about the show:

The repetition scheme can be any of

The schemes 'Once' and 'Every other week' need a starting date for the repetition to begin on.

For the time slot you should check the existing schedule for any possible conflicts. You can consult the Schedule and the ProgramGuide for this.

Once that is sorted out you can contact a stream operator, contact info is here Radio.StreamOperators, to request your show to be entered into the scheduling administration. Once it is in there the available online schedules will be update automatically (allow for 15 minutes of processing time).

A one-off show scheduling request can also be made at this forum page.

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Page last modified on 2013-04-03 22:08 [UTC-7]