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G2 Patch Archive Listing
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hysteresis switch.pch2
on/off switch from the stick
[see]Aug 20, 06ikG2 Building Blockshysteresis switch
Sooooo nice .....
[see]Apr 24, 06ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalThe Whiter Shade of Pale
MoogFilter testdrive.
[see]Mar 16, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLow Level DSP: Moog Ladder Filter
Moog Ladder 2.pch2
Moog Ladder from Clavia 1 pole cascade.
[see]Mar 13, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLow Level DSP: Moog Ladder Filter
Moog Ladder.pch2
Moog Ladder Filter excercise :-))
[see]Mar 13, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLow Level DSP: Moog Ladder Filter
2*(x^2-1)^2-1 for the G2.
[see]Mar 12, 05ikG2 Building Blockssin/cos oscillator
sine osc.pch2
simple structure to make sin(x) and cos(x) signals....
[see]Mar 10, 05ikG2 Building Blockssin/cos oscillator
y=e exp x.pch2
y=e^x approximation based on the e^x=1+x+x^2/2!+x^3/3!+x^4/4!+x^5/5! ... formula.
[see]Feb 27, 05ikNord Modular G2 DiscussionHow to emulate the NM1 FMA input behaviour ???
[bblock]48kHz clock.pch2
48kHz and 12kHz clock.
[see]Feb 23, 05ikG2 Building Blocks48kHz and 12kHz clock
dist bench.pch2
calcd. Inv x2 ... Inv x5 distortion. (+ some extra to monitor the signals)
[see]Feb 22, 05ikNord Modular G2 Discussionoverdrive/distortion tips
shapes solved.pch2
ShpStatic emulation.
[see]Feb 20, 05ikNord Modular G2 DiscussionWhat is Inv x2, Inv x3 in ShpStatic
What does 'Inv x2' (and 'Inv x3') stands for?
[see]Feb 20, 05ikNord Modular G2 DiscussionWhat is Inv x2, Inv x3 in ShpStatic
[bblock] lo-hi signal splitter.pch2
hi/lo note separator, splitter. Highest OR lowest note substracted from a chord, audio processed separatly then recombined with the rest of the chord.
[see]Feb 20, 05ikG2 Building Blockshi/lo note separator/splitter
[bblock] pitchbend2hi-lo note.pch2
apply pitchbend only to the highest OR lowest note of a chord.
[see]Feb 20, 05ikG2 Building Blocksapply pitchbend to hi/low note
PitchBend Trick1.pch2
Apply pitchbend to the highest or lowest note of a chord (polyphonic mode)
[see]Feb 19, 05ikNord Modular G2 DiscussionQuestions about pitch bend...
HomeMade CombF.pch2
home made comb filter with 1 pole LPF in the feedback loop ... phys.mod. approach
[see]Feb 19, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalHomeMadeCombFilter
sawosc running at audio (red cable) rate. :-)
[see]Feb 17, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLow level dsp 3rd Exp (SymphFromHell)
saw osc
[see]Feb 14, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLow level dsp 3rd Exp (SymphFromHell)
Evil symphony sound with "home made" saw oscillators.
[see]Feb 13, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLow level dsp 3rd Exp (SymphFromHell)
Detailed Leslie emulation, hooked to an 8 drawbar 'hammond'. (very simple hammond, no foldbacks, chorus vibrato/tremolo or percussion)
[see]Feb 11, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLeslie speaker emulation
Transistorized G2 :-))
[see]Feb 4, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalVermona, Matador 26
VA sounding synth. Oscillator, Lfo, Filter built with 'math modules'.
[see]Feb 3, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalLow level dsp 2nd exp.
generates harmonics from sine wave
[see]Feb 1, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalOvertones (Chebishev approach)
2pol filter from SynC Modular.pch2
12db LP/BP/HP filter, ported from SynC Modular.
[see]Jan 30, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalG2 and low level DSP
2pol LP 12db.pch2
12db resonant LPF ported from Sync Modular.
[see]Jan 30, 05ikG2 Patches - ExperimentalG2 and low level DSP

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