Patch File
| [see] | May 14, 11 | ark | G2 Building Blocks | G2 + wind controller |
SeqNote anomaly.pch2 | | Hold the first button in panel A1. While doing so, play and hold a 3-note chord. Let it fill the sequencer, then release the button.
I would expect the chord to continue to sound, but what happens on my G2 is that only one note sounds--except sometimes |
| [see] | Jan 12, 11 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Is there a way to make a SeqNote module polyphonic? |
MIDI Example 2.pch2 | | This example uses a Constant module and a MIDI assignment. Note that if MIDI Local is off, turning the knob does not change the state of the module. |
| [see] | Jan 20, 10 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Assigning a knob and button at the same time |
MIDI Example 1.pch2 | | This example uses a MIDI Automate module. Even if MIDI Local is turned off, turning the physical knob changes the panel display on the G2 and also updates the state of the module immediately. |
| [see] | Jan 20, 10 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Assigning a knob and button at the same time |
LFO Arpeggio.pch2 | | Factory patch "Lead Variations" simplified to reveal the essence of the technique... |
| [see] | May 3, 09 | ark | G2 Building Blocks | Arpeggio by adding two LFOs |
Chatterbox.pch2 | | What amazes me is that there's almost nothing there -- and yet I keep feeling like there's a message I should be understanding. |
| [see] | Apr 8, 09 | ark | G2 Patches - Experimental | Chatterbox |
Interval timer.pch2 | | Go to parameter page A1, then press Begin and then End. After that, pressing Replay will play a tone for the length of time that elapsed between Begin and End, up to 62.9 seconds. |
| [see] | Mar 23, 09 | ark | G2 Building Blocks | Interval timer |
| [see] | Mar 3, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | How can I emit a pulse whenever a logic signal changes? |
| [see] | Mar 3, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | How can I emit a pulse whenever a logic signal changes? |
Keyboard to MIDI out v2.pch2 | | The envelope would be triggered if it were being used to play an ordinary patch, so it should also be triggered when being used for MIDI output. |
| [see] | Feb 26, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Sending G2's arpeggiator to MIDI OUT? |
| [see] | Feb 26, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Sending G2's arpeggiator to MIDI OUT? |
| [see] | Feb 1, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | A simple technique to decouple pitch bend and decay |
Tracking pitch bend.pch2 | | This adds a track-and-hold module so that the pitch doesn't change after you take your hand off the keyboard. |
| [see] | Feb 1, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | A simple technique to decouple pitch bend and decay |
| [see] | Jan 31, 09 | ark | FX | Naive question about a factory patch |
| [see] | Jan 24, 09 | ark | G2 Building Blocks | Beat arpeggio |
| [see] | Jan 15, 09 | ark | G2 Patches - Experimental | Meow! |
Morph-based velocity-sensitive patch.pch2 | | Here is a patch that uses the keyboard velocity to control the S (sustain level) of the ADSR envelope through a morph. It's harder to control sustain level from a Keyboard module because it's not directly adjustable, at least not with this particular env |
| [see] | Jan 10, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | How to make velocity affect the note volume |
| [see] | Jan 10, 09 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | How to make velocity affect the note volume |
| [see] | Dec 12, 08 | ark | G2 Building Blocks | Voice selector |
| [see] | Dec 5, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Why does this patch sound so weird? |
| [see] | Nov 20, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | calculating 3rds |
| [see] | Jul 29, 08 | ark | G2 Building Blocks | Chord memory |
| [see] | Jul 10, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Can someone help with a sequencer problem? |
| [see] | Jul 9, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Can someone help with a sequencer problem? |
| [see] | Jul 8, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Can someone help with a sequencer problem? |
| [see] | Jul 8, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Can someone help with a sequencer problem? |
| [see] | Jul 8, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Can someone help with a sequencer problem? |
| [see] | Jul 7, 08 | ark | G2 Building Blocks | Chord memory |
| [see] | Jun 20, 08 | ark | Sequencer - automatic (noodles) | WTC Prelude |
Pitch spreader.pch2 | | A simple patch: It just uses triangle waves for its output and doesn't even try to modulate them. The note quantizer is so that the starting pitch will actually be a note. |
| [see] | Jun 10, 08 | ark | G2 Patches - Experimental | Pitch spreader--My first patch |
| [see] | May 2, 08 | ark | Nord Modular G2 Discussion | Extract the text boxes from patches? |
| [see] | Dec 31, 69 | ark | | |
| [see] | Dec 31, 69 | ark | | |
| [see] | Dec 31, 69 | ark | | |
| [see] | Dec 31, 69 | ark | | |
Testpatch.pch2 | | This patch produces two alternating notes that are two octaves + a major third apart. I don't understand how that is possible, considering that the note quantizer should be limiting the pitches to being two octaves apart. |
| [see] | Dec 31, 69 | ark | | |
Slowed down.pch2 | | This patch is the same as yours except that I changed the LFO to be a triangle wave and reduced the frequency. |
| [see] | Dec 31, 69 | ark | | |
| [see] | Dec 31, 69 | ark | | |
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