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G2 Patch Archive Listing
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Crashes here
[see]Jul 3, 22jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionHEEELp! Ssys Chej Error - bricked G2X?
Jasmine and Rose.prf2
[see]Jul 3, 22jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionHEEELp! Ssys Chej Error - bricked G2X?
Scottish Highland bagpipes, physically modeled.
[see]Oct 19, 18jamosG2 Patches - ExperimentalBagpipies
Psycho Killer Rescue 2.prf2
Performance that occasionally crashes G2 during store.
[see]Sep 10, 18jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionG2-X crashes when storing performance
Folded Sync.pch2
Demo of biased wave folder building block.
[see]Nov 25, 17jamosG2 Building BlocksSmooth "Hard Sync" oscillator
Demonstrates control sequencer lag
[see]Sep 2, 13jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionA good multiplexer?
RAM test.prf2
[see]Feb 14, 13jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionUh-oh
A guitar model that strums - usually
[see]Sep 15, 12jamosG2 Patches - Experimentalguitar with questionable strum
Chet's Pipes.pch2
[see]Dec 13, 10jamosOrgansChet Singer's Pipe Organ
[see]Jul 28, 10jamosOrgansVox Continental
You know you want it.
[see]Mar 6, 10jamosDrumTambourine
[see]Sep 20, 09jamosFXAir Raid Siren
[see]Jul 4, 09jamosOrgansFarfisoid
Multiple harmonic sweeps; use as a seasoning, not an entree
[see]Jul 31, 06jamosSynthSweeper
A thick, analogish pad
[see]Jul 14, 06jamosPadJarre-inspired thick pad
Load in slot D. What's wrong with the red sequencers?
[see]May 9, 06jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionSequencer problem.. bug??
A patch that illustrates timing prtoblems in MIDI muting
[see]Mar 27, 06jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionTiming with cross-slot sequencing
Qualium's 303 sequencer with interactive stutter/scratch unit.
[see]Dec 15, 05jamosG2 Building BlocksStutter and Scratch
Loop Capture.pch2
A tempo-sensitive loop capture block
[see]Dec 3, 05jamosG2 Patches - ExperimentalTempo-sensitive loop capture
Drum machine with accent
[see]Nov 30, 05jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionAccent circuit
Bass sequence with disturbing clicks
[see]Oct 2, 05jamosG2 FAQClicking in sequencer patch
A feedback patch: played with wheel, pitch stick, and pages A1 - A3
[see]May 1, 05jamosFantasyHowling Reverb
3-part algorithmic / interactive string section
[see]Apr 15, 05jamosG2 Performances - CompletedAlgorithmic String Band
Shepards Organ.pch2
This is a normal drawbar organ most of the time.. but move the pitch stick and the pitch will rise, or fall, forever.
[see]Mar 15, 05jamosOrgansShepard's Organ
A patch that controls two key quantizers in slot D from the top octave of the G2's keyboard.
[see]Mar 14, 05jamosG2 Building BlocksKeyboard-controlled quantizer
Shepard Tone 2.pch2
An infinitely rising or falling tone.
[see]Mar 5, 05jamosFXShepard Tone 2
This building block provides a cheap way to derive a phase-offset sawtooth from an existing sawtooth. This can be done using multiple LFO B's, but this approach uses fewer CPU cycles.
[see]Mar 1, 05jamosG2 Building BlocksSawtooth phase shifter
Piano Grande.pch2
[see]Feb 19, 05jamosPianoGrand Piano
Three crossover filters (frequency band splitters). Designed by Rob Hordijk, patched by jamos.
[see]Feb 13, 05jamosG2 Building BlocksCrossover filters
[see]Feb 13, 05jamosPianoPiano for the masses
Watery Grave.pch2
Murky, high polyphony.
[see]Feb 12, 05jamosPadWatery Grave
Not an exact duplicate, but it captures the feel.
[see]Feb 12, 05jamosPadMellotron Choir
Chaos Generator.pch2
Implements the chaotic "logistic equation".
[see]Jan 15, 05jamosG2 Patches - ExperimentalA Chaotic LFO
Basic Beat Box.pch2
[see]Jan 3, 05jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionSync problem with "standard" loop config
An interactive noode - see parameter page A1
[see]Dec 5, 04jamosG2 Patches - ExperimentalMy first noodle
Sequencer goes out of sync when started with second sequencer active.
[see]Aug 23, 04jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionSequencer reset problem
Haunted Strings-.pch2
Small version of Rich string feedback pad. Aftertouch adds feedback; use the mod wheel, bender, and parameter page A1 to make it sing. The Kill Feedback button will mute the string osc through the Decay control, and thereby kill the feedback loop. Three v
[see]Jul 30, 04jamosFantasyHaunting Strings (2 versions)
Haunted Strings.pch2
Large version of Rich string feedback pad. Aftertouch adds feedback; use the mod wheel, bender, and parameter page A1 to make it sing. The Kill Feedback button will mute the string osc through the Decay control, and thereby kill the feedback loop. Three v
[see]Jul 30, 04jamosFantasyHaunting Strings (2 versions)
108 - Koto.pch2
Use the pitch stick to give fast upward pitch bends and vibrato, or use the wheel for vibrato if you prefer. Three variations are provided.
[see]Jul 14, 04jamosG2 GM Bank Collaboration Project108 - Koto
Haunted Strings.pch2
Strings with gnarly aftertouch feedback.. try wheel and bender too.
[see]Jul 8, 04jamosNord Modular G2 DiscussionFeedback question
Shepard Tone.pch2
A continuously rising or falling tone.
[see]Jun 22, 04jamosG2 Patches - ExperimentalShepard tone (my first G2 patch)
Adds reset-on-start
[see]Dec 31, 69jamos
Adds reset-on-start
[see]Dec 31, 69jamos

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