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    Schematics / Diode Function Generator A La Analog Computers

    < ElectroNotes 129 TZVCO from Bernie Hutchins | Schematics | CV Twister - Wave Warper adaptation >
    < Frequency Divider by Roman Sowa | Listbytype | PLL FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER MODULE >

    DIY | Wave Shaping | Ricko | Function Generator

    Diode Function Generator (a la Analog Computers) by Ricko ,presented in this thread ,here is his description on this circuit :

    I was looking at Analog Computers a couple of months ago, and worked up this version of a Diode Function Generator. Think of it as a more variable version of a diode waveshaper. (There is some interested archival material on the web, from the 50s and 60s!)

    It would be easier to use if it could be used like a graphic EQ (like the bar display with dither circuit). As it is, each step effects every step to the right of it.

    I haven't built this, just simulated it in TI-SPICE. There is a full version. (It is also a simplified version at )

    Cheers Rick

    < ElectroNotes 129 TZVCO from Bernie Hutchins | Schematics | CV Twister - Wave Warper adaptation >
    < Frequency Divider by Roman Sowa | Listbytype | PLL FREQUENCY MULTIPLIER MODULE >

    Edit - History - Print - Recent Changes - Search Page last modified on 2013-02-24 20:08 [UTC-7] - 5160 views